As a consumer you will find that there are a lot of different types of mortgages available to you, and as such it can be very difficult for you to choose the right one that best suits you. However when you do not quite know what lies round the corner one solution can stand out from the rest and that is a fixed rate mortgage. On fixed rate mortgages you will find that the rate that you pay is secured for a set period of time. There can be benefits to this and there can be disadvantages this article deals with some of them. In times of uncertainty fixed rate mortgages tend to be the most popular type of mortgage loan. As the majority of loans for property are arranged on a 25 year basis having some sort of security over payment is considered quite beneficial. Having said that you do find mortgages exceeding 25 years, and some can be as low as only ten years. One of the biggest pros of a fixed rate mortgage is that the interest rate remains the same throughout a predetermined time. This makes it extremely easy for consumers to budget and plan for their monthly payments. With a fixed rate mortgage, consumers will always know how much their monthly payment is going to be. The various fixed rates and their duration is set by thee lenders and of course market conditions. The longer the fixed rate is for the higher the rate will be and conversely the shorter the fixed rate the lower the rate generally is. As a result thorough research is always very much advised to ensure you get the best deal available to you. Another really good upside to a fixed rate loan is if you are aware rates are set to rise and stay quite high. If you get a fixed rate before they do and rates then subsequently go up you will stay at your chosen lower rate and therefore save quite a bit of money and as such over time if rates stay high you can save quite a lot. However the opposite is also the case if you secure a fixed rate and the markets rates reduce you will be paying more than the market and as a result you will be financially worse off. With that in mind you again should ensure that you seek good independent mortgage advice as the type of people supplying it may have a better handle on what the market is or is not likely to do. Regardless of the fact that fixed rates do vary from Mortgage Company to Mortgage Company it is considered a rule that three years or less the rate you will pay will usually be less than the lenders standard variable rate and over three years you should expect a bit more than the lenders standard variable rate. It is also a common fact that due to the fact that most mortgage companies borrow fixed rate money from the money markets they in turn charge an arrangement fee to you the borrower. As a consequence of this you will find that the more competitive the mortgage rate the higher the fee being charged. In many instances, lenders will charge a substantial fee if the loan is repaid within the fixed rate period or than the original stated date, this fee goes by many names but is normally known as a redemption penalty. This simply means that if you choose to pay off the loan earlier than expected, a fee will be added to the overall price of the loan. So you must ensure that if you have plans in the future you do not arrange a fixed rate that might lock you in beyond those plans or there will be a cost to change. In summary it can be hard choosing the right mortgage at the best of times factor in complex rates like fixed rates and the job just gets that little bit harder. Never has there been a better time to seek independent mortgage advice just to ensure that you are not unnecessarily spending money you don't need to, but knowing the good and bad points of fixed rates should make it a bit easier. Looking for a particular mortgage on a fixed rate for you why not use Mortgage Route no obligation specialist mortgage advisors online.
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